
Mayon Groups is a leading property developer specializing in residential, commercial as well as plotted developments across South India.

TST Complex, A-4, 1061/742,
Avinashi Road, Coimbatore - 641018,
Tamilnadu, India.
+91 962 953 8781

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Important Tips

7 Benefits of Investing in Property During the Launch Phase

Timing is everything when it comes to real estate investments, and one prime time to look is during the launch phase of a new property. The launch phase offers distinct benefits and exciting chances for buyers looking to make a good investment and join in the initial stages of a captivating enterprise, taking advantage of the potential for significant returns and long-term growth.

Important Tips

10 Important Factors That Affect The Value of A Property

When buying or selling a home, it is necessary to understand the elements which impact a property's value. Many factors influence the value of a property, including location, planned infrastructure, amenities, size, and aesthetics.

Important Tips

Importance of a Choosing Location in Real Estate Investment

This blog highlights the importance of choosing the right location to maximise returns and achieve long-term success in your real estate investment.

Important Tips

5 Important Tips on Investing in Right Property With in Budget

In this blog, know more about how to invest in the right property within the budget from identifying your location to finding the best real estate developers.

Best Real Estate

7 Best Real Estate Investment Financing Strategies & Ideas

Here are some ideas for financing your real estate investment that meet your financial goals if you are thinking about making an investment in a property.

Gated Community

Five Reasons Why You Should Invest in Gated Community Plots

Know the top 5 reasons why people tend to choose Mayon's open gated communities while searching for land / plot to build a house in Coimbatore.

DTCP Approved

Why Should You Buy DTCP Approved Sites in Coimbatore?

Learn more about why you should buy DTCP approved land and the advantages of DTCP pots for your new home at the Mayon Foundation in Coimbatore


Why Is Property Investment A Good Option

Buying a home or a land property is a dream for many of us. Even though there are so many investment options, the best one is investing in properties to have steady financial growth.


Why Invest In Residential Real Estate

Mayon Foundations is the best residential real estate company in Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu. Our Mayon Foundations is a trusted real estate company in Coimbatore that provides premier residential properties and commercial spaces to our valuable customers.

Property Value

How to Value Real Estate Investment Property

Real estate has become one of the best investment options in the world. Owning real estate can provide you with cash flow as well as great tax benefits. To get started in this market, it's important that you understand what a property is worth and where your money is being spent.

Buyer Mistakes

First-Time Home Buyer Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Buying a house is obviously a huge investment, and one that you should take seriously. If this is your first time buying a home, the process can be very intimidating.

Dos And Don'ts

The Dos and Don’ts of Buying Land

Buying land is a dream for many people. Purchasing land is also one of the important investments one can make. The Dos and Don’ts of Buying Land Purchasing a plot tailored for your dream home may seem like the perfect investment.

Land Buying Tips

Want to Make Your Dream Home Come True by Buying a House

Research and analysis about our dream house or land is important ,without which you need not proceed even a step.What type of house we wish to purchase, real estate, budget, loan analysis, proximity to school, college, office, grocery store, clothes outlet, and apartment or individual apartment, just residential or residential and commercial. The area in which we intend to buy a home is within our price range

Land Buying Tips

Best Land Property Buying Tips to Build a Dream House

Buying land is a big task and tedious process and creating one's ideal home is quite significant in one's life. To purchase the land, we must evaluate several factors. It could be government limits on a certain piece of land or location, which real estate agent is the best in the area, a budget, a loan from which bank, whether the area is close to an office or a school, and a variety of other factors.

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